Case Studies / Sony Electronics

12% ROAS Lift for Sony Electronics’ Amazon Campaigns Using Skai’s Automated Actions


Sony Electronics, a leading brand in the consumer electronics industry, recognised a significant challenge with their Amazon Advertising strategy. They observed that their daily budget was being depleted too quickly, leaving them unable to capitalise on peak traffic and purchase windows. This limitation hindered their ability to maintain a continuous and impactful advertising presence, ultimately leading to missed sales opportunities.


To address this challenge and maximize their campaign performance, Sony Electronics turned to Skai™. The Skai platform provided the tools necessary to implement a strategic solution. Automated Actions were leveraged in order to effectively manage budget allocation throughout the day for their key category campaigns. This approach ensured that their campaigns remained visible and active during the peak converting times.

The implementation involved dividing the daily budget into four distinct time periods. This segmentation allowed Sony Electronics to spread their budget more strategically, maintaining visibility throughout the day. Skai’s Automated Actions played a crucial role in enabling this precise budget reallocation and optimizing campaign delivery to match the peak demand hours.


By effectively stretching their daily budget and ensuring consistent visibility during during high-converting periods, Sony Electronics achieved significant improvements in campaign performance. The key category campaigns recorded an impressive ROAS increase of 12%, and this improvement was even more pronounced in certain cases.

The success of this initiative highlighted the power of utilising skai’s Automated Actions to better control and stretch budgets in order to maximise advertising opportunities. Sony Electronics not only mitigated their budget depletion issue but also generated a substantial uplift in ROI for their key category campaigns, leading to increased sales and a stronger overall market presence.

“We were facing a critical challenge in optimizing our campaigns, as our budget was running out too early in the day. Thanks to Skai’s Automated Actions and strategic budget allocation, we achieved a 12% increase in ROAS, which transformed our advertising approach.”

Joelle Mechache
Online Channel Marketing Specialist, Sony Electronics

About Sony Electronics

Sony Electronics is a global technology conglomerate renowned for its innovative and high-quality products. With a rich history dating back to its founding in 1946, Sony has consistently pushed the boundaries of consumer electronics. From cutting-edge televisions and digital cameras to gaming consoles and audio devices, Sony’s diverse range of products showcases its commitment to delivering immersive experiences. Through a blend of sleek design, advanced engineering, and user-centric features, Sony Electronics continues to be a dominant force in shaping the future of entertainment and technology.

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