Instacart Advertising: Unified Reporting & Insights with Skai


    Analyze Instacart campaign, ad group, keyword & ad performance data together, in one place

    Power advanced analysis by applying custom labels to Instacart campaigns, ad groups, ads & keywords

    Configure & run custom reports with access to hundreds of attributes, performance metrics, conversion metrics, & dimensions

    Monitor performance with ease and configure precise alerting criteria & frequency

    Automatically run & send reports on a pre-defined schedule

    Generate impactful dashboards & data visualizations for you, your team & other stakeholders

    Power dashboards with data from Skai sent via email, FTP, Amazon S3 & Google Cloud Storage

    Normalize key metrics - bridge the gap between differing Instacart, Walmart & Amazon attribution & auction models

Why Instacart?

Instacart is the North American leader in online grocery delivery with a marketplace spanning 25,000 brick & mortar stores across more than 5,500 cities in the US & Canada.

Every day, busy people & families use Instacart to explore the largest grocery catalog in the world, where they can discover new products & buy the brands they love from the retailers they trust.

  • Attract Customers:

    Reach customers directly at the point of sale, from click, to cart, to checkout

  • Get The Results That Matter:

    Target a range of business goals, including sales growth, category share & awareness

  • Unmatched Scale:

    Easily & conveniently claim prominent shelf space in the digital aisles of 350+ retailers and 25,000+ stores with one campaign

Why Skai?

The world of marketplace advertising is rapidly changing the shape of online shopping and providing ecommerce marketers with new opportunities. Capture active shoppers with one platform for launching and scaling advertising success across Instacart.

Leading brands and agencies leverage Skai’s advanced optimization, analytics & automation solutions to get started quickly, navigate new ad formats and drive growth.

  • Best-in-class campaign optimization:

    Drive performance & impact with Skai’s advanced optimization suite. Algorithmically optimize bids & budgets to make the most of your marketing investments.

  • Enterprise-grade Automation:

    Maximize productivity by automating repetitive tasks. Drive operational efficiency by streamlining time-consuming workflows. Do more in less time with Skai’s automation suite.

  • Actionable Insights:

    Make the most of your data with Skai’s comprehensive analytics suite. Derive actionable insights & make informed strategic decisions.

    For more Instacart Advertising best practices, visit our blog.

Power your Instacart Advertising with Skai

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