For the week beginning November 06, total retail media spending was up 8% compared to the previous week and up 8% versus the four-week average. For commerce advertisers, search spending was up 24% and social spending was up 22% compared to the previous week, while against the four-week average, search spending was up 22%, and social spending was up 20%.

Click volume was up 9% for retail media, up 14% for search, and up 14% for social, compared to the previous week, while retail media impressions were up 10%, search impressions were up 14% and social impressions were up 11% versus last week. |
When looking at spending patterns and performance by industry an apparent ramp-up towards Thanksgiving week emerges, as nearly every industry sees spending increases across retail media, search, and social channels, with few notable exceptions.
Out of 18 categories featured in this week’s data 15, experienced spending increases, with Makeup & Cosmetics holding steady, while Beverages and Household Supplies see slight spending drops of 1% and 7% respectively.
In paid search, every category experienced increased spend over the past week, with Sports & Fitness coming out on top with a nearly 40% spending increase week over week, and a cross-industry average of 24%.
In paid social, once again we see near across-the-board increases in week-over-week spending, with Home & Garden topping the pack with a spending jump of 52%, and an average spend increase of 22% across all industries. The only industry to experience a spending decrease in comparison to the previous week was Home Improvement & Maintenance with a drop of 8%.