Multi-location marketers have an exponentially more difficult job than enterprise marketers focused on a single brand. They really can’t try every tactic available to most advertisers unless it can fit into a streamlined workflow.
In the article, Multi-Location Marketers Want to Do More Social Advertising, But One Big Thing Stands in the Way, Skai’s Senior Product Marketing Manager Louis Guerrero shares insight into what might be the big barrier to the full adoption of social advertising by multi-location marketers.

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The article shares some recent data on just how localized social media is:“…the value is high in social, and local marketers simply cannot ignore the potential here anymore. A recent Search Engine Land post details two different studies:
84.8% of all consumer impressions happen on assets that represent individual stores, showrooms, and restaurants while just 15.2% of impressions happen on brand or corporate assets — including the brand’s own website.
In a comparison of Facebook corporate Page activity with roughly 2,500 local Pages for the same brands in 2018, the local pages saw 72% of all consumer engagement.”
So what is the one thing that is holding multi-location marketers back from fully adopting social advertising?
To find out, read what that is on the post.