Shopping Ads: From Awareness to Purchase in an Instant

Stop forcing your customers through the old-school funnel; use digital shopping ads to collapse the purchase path and sell wherever and whenever your customers wish to transact.

The traditional marketing funnel that many of us learned in school is quickly becoming an outdated way to model out the interaction between brands and consumers.

But, today, shopping ads across key digital channels offer brands a powerful way to let consumers immediately click to purchase goods. With these ads, the purchase journey essentially occurs right there in the ad unit, taking consumers straight from awareness to purchase and collapsing the traditional funnel in seconds.

Today’s market reality is that the path to purchase can be shortened to just a few steps.

Marketers must not just utilize the shopping ads format, but master it. This opportunity is an important area for all brands that sell goods that cannot be overlooked. Because shopping ads are able to immediately drive consumers to purchase, brands that don’t embrace this valuable ad type may lose customers to savvy rivals who swoop in and steal the sale.

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