Apple Search Ads

Targeted advertisement that appears when consumers search for products on the App Store.

What are Apple Search Ads?

Apple Search Ads are advertisements that target users who are searching for a mobile application on the App Store. While the search terms are the primary determinator for which ads appear, keyword data and user-specific data collected by Apple can be used to further refine who gets served a particular ad. For example, an advertiser might specifically want to target only users who have just obtained a new Apple device.

What makes Apple Search Ads useful?

Because the App Store is a walled garden, Apple Search Ads are the only way to advertise directly to customers using the App Store. For the same reason, Apple Search Ads allow advertisers to make use of the large amount of customer data. 

Also, it’s worth pointing out that Apple Search Ads appear at the top of search results, which makes the targeted group more likely to notice them.

apple search ads bidding

What customer types can be targeted with Apple Search Ads?

Apple Search Ads allow advertisers to focus their dollars on audiences using the following criteria:

  • Customer type (e.g., returning customer)
  • Customer demographic (e.g. age or gender)
  • Device type 
  • Location

Are Basic or Advanced Apple Search Ads better?

Apple Search Ads campaigns are extremely customizable; the platform allows advertisers to choose between “Basic” and “Advanced” ads. The Basic version is easy to get up and running and requires minimal maintenance, and the Advanced version offers more control, allowing advertisers to drill down into the categories listed in the previous section and more.

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