Whether you are a small business with several locations, a large insurance provider with thousands of agents, a sizeable hotel chain with many locations nationwide or anything in between, building out campaigns for each location is a tedious process. This is particularly true if your business includes hundreds or even thousands of locations or if you need to generate those campaigns across multiple engines. From my years of agency experience, I know this process can be extremely time-consuming, often taking several hours depending upon the numbers of locations. Fortunately, you don’t need to clear your calendar or recruit an intern for the tasks at hand – those days are behind you.
Leveraging our campaign wizard, you can build out multiple hyper-local campaigns on the fly by simply selecting “create a campaign for each of the selected geo-locations” in step two of Skai’s campaign creation process. By selecting this option, you will generate location-based campaigns as seen in the example below.
Should you need to change the campaign’s names to be more report-friendly, just use our Advanced Search feature and customize the names in bulk.
This feature provides a great opportunity to save time and focus on what is important. Often times, SEM managers get mired in campaign builds, leaving little time to properly manage the campaigns. Using our hyper local campaign builder will free up your time for more productive tasks, such as account optimizations, strategy development, and data analysis.