Skai’s a pretty creative company. We make technology that revolutionizes the digital marketing world with a blend of art and science. But for all our creativity, we looked around our offices and realized that the walls that surround us were awfully bare… just white. A blank slate, really. So, we drew on the walls!
One of our ace HR team members was at an art exhibit of Rami Meiri, a prolific and clever street artist based in Tel Aviv. Rami’s work is on the sides of museums, office buildings, beach side concession stands – just about anywhere he has a bit of space and an inspiration. Well, our coworker saw this and thought, how great it would be to have all that color and vibrancy on our walls. And why not have them reflect our Core Values?
It took many days of planning: buying the right paint, canvases, brushes, aprons, finding the right space and oh, yeah, bringing Rami to the U.S. On the day of our San Francisco event, we arrived at the studio, and found it was airless. In a rare heat wave, we sweated as we set up the studio and a bit nervously welcomed our employees.
We didn’t have to worry.
Rami is larger than life, despite his slight frame, so within 5 minutes of his introduction, the energy was up, creativity was flowing, paint was dashed and blobbed and swiped. Four hours later, 45 of us were exhausted and drained, but the proud artists of two giant murals with the iconic Golden Gate bridge, sprinkled liberally with each of our own personal touches.
These now hang on our once bare walls.
It was inspiring and one of my favorite social events I’ve ever participated in. We took off that night for a whirlwind trip of our other two U.S. offices, Chicago and New York.
In Chicago, the team drew inspiration from music and the city’s roots in rhythm and blues.
The New York office paid homage to the skyline of the city they love.
Rami and I became partners in an incredible experience for all of our people.
I saw seemingly timid people step up first to paint; passionate people spend many painstaking minutes getting the skyline just right; and was so moved seeing everyone come together to encourage each other’s work. It was unforgettable.